Oak Hills Golf & Country Club

7629 Fairfield Rd
Columbia , SC  29203


Oak Hills Golf & Country Club, Columbia

If you know the owner of Oak Hills Golf & Country Club remind them to claim their listing here - it's free and has many benefits! As you can see, Oak Hills Golf & Country Club is located in our Night Clubs category. To view other businesses in this category click the link above. The information presented here is the most current we have. If you find that you can't reach Oak Hills Golf & Country Club with it please let us know. For a map and driving directions to 7629 Fairfield Rd in Columbia please scroll down and click the link under the map to "View Larger Map". Find more details about Oak Hills Golf & Country Club by calling them at (803) 735-9830 or going to their location at 7629 Fairfield Rd.


Night Clubs